You may have heard the song "Goodbye Horses" on your local radio station, in countless Hollywood films like Silence Of The Lambs, or even while doing missions in the Grand Theft Auto 4 videogame. Q Lazzarus who is the artist behind this hypnotic track had a strange disappearance during the height of her fame in the mid 90's. This was shortly after having a scene in the Oscar winning Tom Hanks film "Philadelphia". With not being able to be found some rumors even escalated to her being dead. 25 years later, documentary filmmaker Eva Aridjis Fuentes found her in the most serendipitous way. Q broke her silence, opened up to Eva and explained absolutely everything that happened. This documentary was such a riveting tale that made us feel sadness, joy, and all that's in between. It seems like Eva and Q's fate of crossing paths was meant to be, and we got the chance to talk to Eva and get a few extra layers of this incredible story.
Eva's documentary "Goodbye Horses: The Many Lives of Q Lazzarus" is playing in select theatres across major cities throughout March.
March 7-13 Los Angeles (Nuart) & London (Rio)
March 14-20 New York City (Village East)
March 19 Toronto (Revue)
March 22 Asbury Park (The Showroom)
March 25-27 Albuquerque (The Guild Cinema)
March 25 Denver (Sie Film Center)
March 30, April 3 Austin (Austin Film Society)
March 31 Seattle (Here-After with Grand Illusion)
March 31-April 2 Charlottetown, PE (Tivoli Cinema)
April 23 Winchester (Alamo Drafthouse)
April-May Mexico 50+ screens (Cinépolis)
May 29 Chicago (Facets)
